Do You Need AA?

An Overview Of Alcoholics Anonymous Without a doubt, Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the most successful programs in the world when it comes to helping people overcome alcohol addiction and substance abuse. Even though Alcoholics Anonymous is specifically for people who struggle with alcohol, it can also help people who struggle with gambling addiction, sex…

Factors That Influence Teen Relapse

What Causes Relapse in a Teen? It’s not always possible to understand why someone relapsed. There are a few common causes that may be most likely. Stress: One of the most significant factors for relapse for anyone is stress. There’s no way to avoid it in daily life. Many teens face stress at home, at school,…

Signs Of Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, meaning it slows down the central nervous system. Like any depressant, when used in small doses, alcohol can help people relax and relieve tension. However, when consumed regularly and in high amounts, alcohol can significantly impair a person’s social and occupational functioning. It also causes major health problems,…