Living with an Alcoholic

If you are living with an alcoholic, you need to find ways to help them and yourself to deal with the addiction. Recognizing that someone has an alcohol use disorder and letting them know that you feel concerned is the first step toward getting them help. Next, you need to learn more about treatment options.…

How to Find Help for Alcoholism

Alcohol is taking over your life. It’s limiting your happiness and breaking relationships. If this is the case for you, it’s time to find help for alcoholism. Unlike other types of drugs, many people overlook the importance of alcohol detox and alcohol addiction treatment. At BoardPrep Recovery Center, we offer comprehensive alcohol addiction treatment, which…

Underage Drinking Statistics

Though legally, the drinking age in America is 21, many people indulge in underage drinking. What they might not know is that they could be exposing themselves to numerous short and long-term health risks. How widespread is it, and what are its potential dangers? We aim to answer these and more questions. Contact Serenity House…

5 Signs of an Alcohol Addiction

Recognizing that you have an alcohol addiction isn’t easy. Many men and women think they can control their use and may even find themselves trying to stop using alcohol time and time again. The problem is, they can’t stick with it. Why is this? How do you know you have an addiction that needs treatment?…

Why is Addiction Treatment Needed

Addiction treatment is absolutely necessary when individuals are showing the signs of addiction. No one plans to become addicted to substances and often the problem is only noticed after it has created negative life altering effects. Signs Of Addiction These common signs of addiction may require the involvement of an addiction treatment center or receiving…

Myths Surrounding Treatment and Recovery

  At Alina Lodge, we understand that each individual struggling with addiction is different and that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to recovery. This is why our counselors customize each treatment plan to the individual’s needs. If you or someone you care about is battling a substance use problem, the team at Alina Lodge can…